var ExampleExtension = function () { }; /** * @return {object} This extension's metadata. */ ExampleExtension.prototype.getInfo = function () { return { // Required: the machine-readable name of this extension. // Will be used as the extension's namespace. Must not contain a '.' character. id: 'someBlocks', // Optional: the human-readable name of this extension as string. // This and any other string to be displayed in the Scratch UI may either be // a string or a call to `intlDefineMessage`; a plain string will not be // translated whereas a call to `intlDefineMessage` will connect the string // to the translation map (see below). The `intlDefineMessage` call is // similar to `defineMessages` from `react-intl` in form, but will actually // call some extension support code to do its magic. For example, we will // internally namespace the messages such that two extensions could have // messages with the same ID without colliding. // See also: name: 'Some Blocks', // Optional: URI for an icon for this extension. Data URI OK. // If not present, use a generic icon. // TODO: what file types are OK? All web images? Just PNG? iconURI: '' + 'UIMBgAEWB7i7uidhAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==', // Optional: Link to documentation content for this extension. // If not present, offer no link. docsURI: 'https://....', // Required: the list of blocks implemented by this extension, // in the order intended for display. blocks: [ { opcode: 'example-noop', blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND, blockAllThreads: false, text: 'do nothing', func: 'noop' }, { opcode: 'example-conditional', blockType: Scratch.BlockType.CONDITIONAL, branchCount: 4, isTerminal: true, blockAllThreads: false, text: 'choose [BRANCH]', arguments: { BRANCH: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.NUMBER, defaultValue: 1 } }, func: 'noop' }, { // Required: the machine-readable name of this operation. // This will appear in project JSON. Must not contain a '.' character. opcode: 'myReporter', // becomes 'someBlocks.myReporter' // Required: the kind of block we're defining, from a predefined list: // 'command' - a normal command block, like "move {} steps" // 'reporter' - returns a value, like "direction" // 'Boolean' - same as 'reporter' but returns a Boolean value // 'hat' - starts a stack if its value is truthy // 'conditional' - control flow, like "if {}" or "repeat {}" // A 'conditional' block may return the one-based index of a branch // to run, or it may return zero/falsy to run no branch. Each time a // child branch finishes, the block is called again. This is only a // slight change to the current model for control flow blocks, and is // also compatible with returning true/false for an "if" or "repeat" // block. // TODO: Consider Blockly-like nextStatement, previousStatement, and // output attributes as an alternative. Those are more flexible, but // allow bad combinations. blockType: Scratch.BlockType.REPORTER, // Required for conditional blocks, ignored for others: the number of // child branches this block controls. An "if" or "repeat" block would // specify a branch count of 1; an "if-else" block would specify a // branch count of 2. // TODO: should we support dynamic branch count for "switch"-likes? branchCount: 0, // Optional, default false: whether or not this block ends a stack. // The "forever" and "stop all" blocks would specify true here. isTerminal: true, // Optional, default false: whether or not to block all threads while // this block is busy. This is for things like the "touching color" // block in compatibility mode, and is only needed if the VM runs in a // worker. We might even consider omitting it from extension docs... blockAllThreads: false, // Required: the human-readable text on this block, including argument // placeholders. Argument placeholders should be in [MACRO_CASE] and // must be [ENCLOSED_WITHIN_SQUARE_BRACKETS]. text: 'letter [LETTER_NUM] of [TEXT]', // Required: describe each argument. // Note that this is an array: the order of arguments will be used arguments: { // Required: the ID of the argument, which will be the name in the // args object passed to the implementation function. LETTER_NUM: { // Required: type of the argument / shape of the block input type: Scratch.ArgumentType.NUMBER, // Optional: the default value of the argument defaultValue: 1 }, // Required: the ID of the argument, which will be the name in the // args object passed to the implementation function. TEXT: { // Required: type of the argument / shape of the block input type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, // Optional: the default value of the argument defaultValue: 'text' } }, // Optional: a string naming the function implementing this block. // If this is omitted, use the opcode string. func: 'myReporter', // Optional: list of target types for which this block should appear. // If absent, assume it applies to all builtin targets -- that is: // ['sprite', 'stage'] filter: ['someBlocks.wedo2', 'sprite', 'stage'] }, { opcode: 'example-Boolean', blockType: Scratch.BlockType.BOOLEAN, text: 'return true', func: 'returnTrue' }, { opcode: 'example-hat', blockType: Scratch.BlockType.HAT, text: 'after forever', func: 'returnFalse' }, { // Another block... } ], // Optional: define extension-specific menus here. menus: { // Required: an identifier for this menu, unique within this extension. menuA: [ // Static menu: list items which should appear in the menu. { // Required: the value of the menu item when it is chosen. value: 'itemId1', // Optional: the human-readable label for this item. // Use `value` as the text if this is absent. text: 'Item One' }, // The simplest form of a list item is a string which will be used as // both value and text. 'itemId2' ], // Dynamic menu: a string naming a function which returns an array as above. // Called each time the menu is opened. menuB: 'getItemsForMenuB' }, // Optional: translations translation_map: { de: { 'extensionName': 'Einige Blöcke', 'myReporter': 'Buchstabe [LETTER_NUM] von [TEXT]', 'myReporter.TEXT_default': 'Text', 'menuA_item1': 'Artikel eins', // Dynamic menus can be translated too 'menuB_example': 'Beispiel', // This message contains ICU placeholders (see `myReporter()` below) 'myReporter.result': 'Buchstabe {LETTER_NUM} von {TEXT} ist {LETTER}.' }, it: { // ... } }, // Optional: list new target type(s) provided by this extension. targetTypes: [ 'wedo2', // automatically transformed to 'someBlocks.wedo2' 'speech' // automatically transformed to 'someBlocks.speech' ] }; }; /** * Implement myReporter. * @param {object} args - the block's arguments. * @property {number} LETTER_NUM - the string value of the argument. * @property {string} TEXT - the string value of the argument. * @returns {string} a string which includes the block argument value. */ ExampleExtension.prototype.myReporter = function (args) { // Note: this implementation is not Unicode-clean; it's just here as an example. const result = args.TEXT.charAt(args.LETTER_NUM); return ['Letter ', args.LETTER_NUM, ' of ', args.TEXT, ' is ', result, '.'].join(''); }; ExampleExtension.prototype.noop = function () { }; ExampleExtension.prototype.returnTrue = function () { return true; }; ExampleExtension.prototype.returnFalse = function () { return false; }; Scratch.extensions.register(new ExampleExtension());