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16.74-10.45 5.95-24.13 5.95zm0-14.94q7.38 0 14.04-3.42 6.85-3.42 11.17-10.8 4.5-7.39 4.5-18.74 0-11.16-4.5-18.54-4.32-7.39-11.17-10.63-6.66-3.42-14.04-3.42-7.57 0-14.41 3.42-6.66 3.24-10.98 10.63-4.33 7.38-4.33 18.54 0 11.35 4.33 18.73 4.32 7.39 10.98 10.8 6.84 3.43 14.4 3.43zm-137.04-119.6c-2.38 0-4.42.9-6.04 2.64a8.26 8.26 0 0 0-2.45 6.03v116.87c0 2.37.82 4.41 2.45 6.04a8.26 8.26 0 0 0 6.04 2.45c2.36 0 4.4-.82 6.02-2.45a7.98 7.98 0 0 0 2.65-6.04V770c8.68 8.75 18.83 13.22 30.4 13.22 7.51 0 14.6-1.88 21.27-5.63 6.78-3.88 12.23-9.46 16.35-16.71 4.24-7.39 6.35-15.99 6.35-25.77 0-9.77-2.11-18.3-6.35-25.58-4.11-7.37-9.57-12.95-16.35-16.7l-.01-.01a41.64 41.64 0 0 0-21.26-5.81c-11.57 0-21.72 4.47-30.4 13.22v-43.27c0-2.48-.83-4.59-2.46-6.22a8.48 8.48 0 0 0-6.21-2.45zm0 .77a7.63 7.63 0 0 1 7.9 7.9v45.08l.66-.7c8.7-9.05 18.85-13.56 30.52-13.56 7.37 0 14.32 1.9 20.87 5.71 6.66 3.7 12.01 9.15 16.06 16.42v.01c4.17 7.14 6.26 15.53 6.26 25.2 0 9.66-2.1 18.12-6.26 25.37-4.05 7.16-9.4 12.62-16.06 16.43a41.85 41.85 0 0 1-20.87 5.53c-11.67 0-21.82-4.5-30.52-13.57l-.67-.7v5.65c0 2.19-.78 3.98-2.4 5.48v.01a7.41 7.41 0 0 1-5.5 2.23c-2.19 0-3.99-.74-5.48-2.23a7.4 7.4 0 0 1-2.23-5.49V656.95c0-2.2.73-4 2.23-5.49a7.13 7.13 0 0 1 5.49-2.4zm36.73 53.25a34.3 34.3 0 0 0-15.84 3.83 43.92 43.92 0 0 0-12.9 9.8l-.1.12v38.11l.1.11a46.73 46.73 0 0 0 12.9 10 35.68 35.68 0 0 0 15.84 3.64c8.97 0 16.24-2.87 21.71-8.59 5.49-5.72 8.21-13.82 8.21-24.21 0-10.4-2.72-18.5-8.2-24.22-5.48-5.72-12.75-8.59-21.72-8.59zm0 .78c8.8 0 15.82 2.78 21.15 8.34 5.32 5.56 8 13.43 8 23.68 0 10.26-2.68 18.13-8 23.69-5.33 5.56-12.34 8.34-21.15 8.34a34.87 34.87 0 0 1-15.48-3.56 45.97 45.97 0 0 1-12.58-9.72v-37.48c3.67-4 7.85-7.19 12.57-9.55a33.5 33.5 0 0 1 15.5-3.74zm2.34 79.75q-17.64 0-30.79-13.69v4.68q0 3.42-2.52 5.76-2.34 2.35-5.76 2.35t-5.77-2.34q-2.34-2.35-2.34-5.77V656.95q0-3.42 2.34-5.76 2.35-2.52 5.77-2.52 3.6 0 5.94 2.34 2.34 2.34 2.34 5.94v44.12q13.15-13.69 30.8-13.69 11.16 0 21.06 5.77 10.09 5.58 16.21 16.56 6.3 10.8 6.3 25.4 0 14.58-6.3 25.57-6.12 10.8-16.2 16.56-9.91 5.59-21.08 5.59zm-2.34-15.31q13.33 0 21.43-8.46 8.1-8.47 8.1-23.95 0-15.5-8.1-23.96t-21.43-8.46q-8.28 0-15.66 3.78-7.2 3.6-12.79 9.73V754q5.58 6.13 12.79 9.9 7.38 3.61 15.66 3.61zM722.2 687a79.6 79.6 0 0 0-31.3 6.51c-3.23 1.36-4.92 3.83-4.92 7.2 0 2.01.7 3.75 2.1 5.14a6.82 6.82 0 0 0 4.95 2.1c.65 0 1.45-.14 2.43-.38h.01l.02-.01a104 104 0 0 1 11.66-3.23 62.4 62.4 0 0 1 12.17-1.07c8.23 0 14.19 1.73 17.93 5.12 3.85 3.39 5.81 8.96 5.81 16.82v1.05h-21.4c-13.62 0-24.03 2.65-31.2 8-7.05 5.35-10.6 12.58-10.6 21.56a26.9 26.9 0 0 0 4.01 14.62 26.3 26.3 0 0 0 10.79 9.5 34.47 34.47 0 0 0 14.93 3.28c13.46 0 24.61-4.47 33.47-13.24v3.85c0 2.37.83 4.41 2.46 6.04a8.25 8.25 0 0 0 6.03 2.45c2.37 0 4.4-.82 6.03-2.45a7.98 7.98 0 0 0 2.64-6.04v-50.96c0-6.3-1.4-12.12-4.18-17.46-2.67-5.47-6.94-9.91-12.75-13.3-5.72-3.41-12.76-5.1-21.09-5.1zm0 .77c8.23 0 15.12 1.67 20.69 4.99 5.71 3.33 9.85 7.65 12.46 12.98v.01a36.35 36.35 0 0 1 4.1 17.11v50.96c0 2.19-.79 3.98-2.4 5.48v.01a7.41 7.41 0 0 1-5.5 2.23c-2.2 0-4-.74-5.49-2.23a7.4 7.4 0 0 1-2.22-5.49v-5.63l-.67.68c-8.81 9.05-19.98 13.57-33.58 13.57a33.66 33.66 0 0 1-14.6-3.2 25.5 25.5 0 0 1-10.46-9.23 26.1 26.1 0 0 1-3.9-14.2c0-8.78 3.4-15.72 10.29-20.94 6.99-5.2 17.22-7.84 30.74-7.84h22.18v-1.83c0-7.98-2-13.82-6.07-17.4-3.95-3.57-10.11-5.32-18.45-5.32-4.58 0-8.7.37-12.32 1.1-3.5.72-7.42 1.8-11.76 3.25l.03-.01a9.9 9.9 0 0 1-2.24.35c-1.71 0-3.15-.61-4.41-1.87a6.19 6.19 0 0 1-1.87-4.59c0-3.12 1.43-5.2 4.44-6.49a78.82 78.82 0 0 1 31-6.45zm1.62 51.63c-9.1 0-15.95 1.18-20.57 3.6-4.63 2.42-7.01 6.15-7.01 11.01 0 4.41 1.49 8.02 4.45 10.73v.01c3.11 2.74 8.13 4.06 15.02 4.06a33.6 33.6 0 0 0 15.49-3.82 44.27 44.27 0 0 0 12.54-9.82l.1-.11V739.4Zm0 .78h19.24v14.57a43.46 43.46 0 0 1-12.21 9.54 32.78 32.78 0 0 1-15.13 3.74c-6.8 0-11.62-1.32-14.5-3.86-2.81-2.57-4.2-5.92-4.2-10.16 0-4.62 2.15-8 6.59-10.32 4.43-2.32 11.18-3.51 20.21-3.51zm-14.23 42.65q-7.92 0-14.76-3.24-6.67-3.25-10.63-9.37-3.96-6.3-3.96-14.4 0-13.33 10.45-21.26 10.62-7.92 30.97-7.92h21.79v-1.44q0-11.88-5.94-17.1-5.77-5.23-18.2-5.23-6.83 0-12.24 1.08-5.22 1.08-11.7 3.24-1.44.36-2.34.36-2.7 0-4.69-1.98-1.98-1.98-1.98-4.86 0-4.86 4.69-6.84 15.3-6.49 31.15-6.49 12.42 0 20.89 5.05 8.64 5.04 12.6 13.14 4.15 7.93 4.15 17.29v50.96q0 3.42-2.52 5.76-2.35 2.35-5.77 2.35-3.42 0-5.76-2.34-2.34-2.35-2.34-5.77v-4.68q-13.33 13.69-33.86 13.69zm6.13-14.41q7.92 0 15.3-3.78 7.39-3.96 12.43-9.73V739.8H723.8q-27.2 0-27.2 14.22 0 6.49 4.33 10.45 4.5 3.96 14.77 3.96zm-57.27-120.14c-2.37 0-4.42.9-6.04 2.64a8.25 8.25 0 0 0-2.45 6.03v116.87c0 2.37.83 4.41 2.45 6.04a8.26 8.26 0 0 0 6.04 2.45c2.37 0 4.4-.82 6.03-2.44a7.98 7.98 0 0 0 2.64-6.05V656.95c0-2.48-.82-4.59-2.45-6.22a8.48 8.48 0 0 0-6.22-2.45zm0 .78a7.63 7.63 0 0 1 7.9 7.9v116.86c0 2.19-.79 3.98-2.4 5.48l-.01.01a7.4 7.4 0 0 1-5.49 2.23c-2.2 0-4-.74-5.49-2.23a7.41 7.41 0 0 1-2.23-5.49V656.95c0-2.2.74-4 2.23-5.49h.01a7.13 7.13 0 0 1 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16.36-16.9 3.87-7.39 5.8-15.8 5.8-25.21 0-9.42-1.93-17.77-5.8-25.04A41.24 41.24 0 0 0 578.86 693c-7.03-4-15.14-6-24.32-6zm0 .77c9.07 0 17.04 1.97 23.94 5.9a40.42 40.42 0 0 1 16.05 16.76c3.81 7.15 5.72 15.36 5.72 24.68 0 9.3-1.9 17.58-5.72 24.85a40.7 40.7 0 0 1-16.06 16.59c-6.9 3.92-14.87 5.9-23.93 5.9-9.2 0-17.22-1.98-24.12-5.9a40.69 40.69 0 0 1-16.06-16.6c-3.69-7.26-5.54-15.53-5.54-24.84 0-9.32 1.85-17.53 5.54-24.68a40.42 40.42 0 0 1 16.06-16.77c6.9-3.92 14.93-5.89 24.12-5.89zm0 14.17a32.2 32.2 0 0 0-14.58 3.46c-4.52 2.2-8.24 5.8-11.15 10.78-2.92 5-4.37 11.25-4.37 18.75 0 7.6 1.45 13.92 4.37 18.92 2.91 4.97 6.63 8.64 11.14 10.95a32.21 32.21 0 0 0 14.59 3.47c4.98 0 9.72-1.16 14.22-3.46 4.63-2.32 8.4-5.98 11.32-10.95 3.05-5 4.56-11.32 4.56-18.93 0-7.5-1.51-13.75-4.56-18.75-2.91-4.97-6.7-8.58-11.32-10.77a30.74 30.74 0 0 0-14.22-3.47zm0 .78c4.86 0 9.48 1.12 13.87 3.38 4.5 2.13 8.16 5.6 11 10.47 2.96 4.86 4.45 10.97 4.45 18.36 0 7.5-1.49 13.68-4.44 18.52-2.86 4.88-6.52 8.42-11.01 10.66-4.4 2.26-9.01 3.38-13.87 3.38a31.4 31.4 0 0 1-14.23-3.38c-4.38-2.24-7.98-5.78-10.83-10.65-2.84-4.85-4.27-11.02-4.27-18.53 0-7.4 1.43-13.5 4.27-18.36 2.85-4.87 6.45-8.34 10.82-10.47a31.4 31.4 0 0 1 14.24-3.38zm0 80.1q-13.87 0-24.31-5.94-10.45-5.94-16.21-16.74-5.58-10.99-5.58-25.03 0-14.05 5.58-24.85 5.76-10.99 16.2-16.93 10.45-5.95 24.32-5.95 13.68 0 24.13 5.95 10.44 5.94 16.2 16.92 5.77 10.81 5.77 24.86 0 14.04-5.77 25.03-5.76 10.8-16.2 16.74-10.45 5.95-24.13 5.95zm0-14.94q7.38 0 14.04-3.42 6.85-3.42 11.17-10.8 4.5-7.39 4.5-18.73 0-11.17-4.5-18.55-4.32-7.39-11.17-10.63-6.66-3.42-14.04-3.42-7.57 0-14.41 3.42-6.66 3.24-10.98 10.63-4.33 7.38-4.33 18.55 0 11.34 4.32 18.72 4.33 7.39 10.99 10.81 6.84 3.42 14.4 3.42zM470.26 687c-8.7 0-16.75 1.93-24.13 5.8a45.39 45.39 0 0 0-17.8 16.71c-4.36 7.28-6.54 15.81-6.54 25.6 0 9.78 2.18 18.32 6.54 25.59a45.4 45.4 0 0 0 17.8 16.71 51.18 51.18 0 0 0 24.13 5.8c6.4 0 11.9-.78 16.51-2.36 4.72-1.69 9.06-3.8 13.05-6.34 2.49-1.62 3.78-3.87 3.78-6.63 0-1.9-.77-3.63-2.26-5.12a6.39 6.39 0 0 0-4.97-2.47 8.6 8.6 0 0 0-4.14 1.13 74.53 74.53 0 0 1-10.2 4.47c-2.7.82-6.15 1.24-10.33 1.24-10.25 0-18.23-2.9-24.03-8.7-5.81-5.94-8.72-13.68-8.72-23.32 0-9.65 2.9-17.33 8.71-23.14 5.81-5.92 13.8-8.9 24.04-8.9 4.17 0 7.61.49 10.32 1.43h.02c2.84.83 6.25 2.27 10.2 4.3h-.01a8.61 8.61 0 0 0 4.14 1.12c1.9 0 3.59-.78 4.97-2.28a7.74 7.74 0 0 0 2.26-5.3c0-2.77-1.29-5.02-3.77-6.64a58.85 58.85 0 0 0-13.05-6.16c-4.62-1.7-10.12-2.54-16.52-2.54zm0 .77c6.33 0 11.75.84 16.25 2.5h.01a58.02 58.02 0 0 1 12.88 6.09c2.32 1.5 3.43 3.45 3.43 5.97a6.9 6.9 0 0 1-2.06 4.78 5.73 5.73 0 0 1-4.4 2.04c-1.25 0-2.5-.34-3.77-1.04h-.01a60.1 60.1 0 0 0-10.32-4.34c-2.82-.98-6.34-1.47-10.57-1.47-10.4 0-18.62 3.04-24.59 9.12-5.95 5.96-8.93 13.88-8.93 23.69 0 9.8 2.98 17.78 8.93 23.86 5.97 5.96 14.2 8.94 24.6 8.94 4.22 0 7.73-.42 10.55-1.28a75.2 75.2 0 0 0 10.33-4.53 7.8 7.8 0 0 1 3.78-1.03c1.7 0 3.12.7 4.39 2.2v.01l.02.01a6.3 6.3 0 0 1 2.05 4.6c0 2.52-1.11 4.46-3.43 5.97a64.5 64.5 0 0 1-12.88 6.26c-4.51 1.54-9.93 2.32-16.26 2.32-8.59 0-16.5-1.9-23.77-5.72a44.57 44.57 0 0 1-17.5-16.42c-4.28-7.14-6.42-15.53-6.42-25.2 0-9.66 2.14-18.05 6.42-25.18a44.59 44.59 0 0 1 17.5-16.43 50.37 50.37 0 0 1 23.77-5.72zm0 95.06q-12.97 0-23.95-5.77-10.98-5.76-17.65-16.56-6.48-10.8-6.48-25.4 0-14.58 6.48-25.38 6.66-10.81 17.65-16.57 10.98-5.77 23.95-5.77 9.54 0 16.39 2.53 7.02 2.34 12.96 6.12 3.6 2.34 3.6 6.3 0 2.7-2.16 5.04-1.98 2.16-4.68 2.16-1.98 0-3.96-1.08-5.94-3.06-10.27-4.32-4.14-1.44-10.44-1.44-15.49 0-24.31 9-8.82 8.83-8.82 23.42 0 14.58 8.82 23.59 8.82 8.82 24.31 8.82 6.3 0 10.45-1.26 4.32-1.44 10.26-4.5 1.98-1.08 3.96-1.08 2.7 0 4.68 2.34 2.16 2.16 2.16 4.86 0 3.96-3.6 6.3-5.94 3.79-12.96 6.3-6.85 2.35-16.39 2.35z" style="color:#000000;-inkscape-font-specification:'Varela Round Bold';fill:#e1e0e2;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#e1e0e2;stroke-opacity:1;-inkscape-stroke:none" transform="matrix(0.4895,0,0,0.5253,-46.968,-307.821)" />
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<section class="container">
<div class="elem">
<div class="header">
<h1 class="title">Welcome to collabore tunnel</h1>
<div class="desc">
Make your local services accessible to all on the public Internet.
<div class="content">
<p>collabore tunnel is a free and open source service offered as part of the club elec collabore
platform operated by club elec that allows you to expose your local services on the public
Showing your friends or colleagues your work on your next website (for example) has never been
<li>✅ Easy to use</li>
<li>✅ No download and no signup</li>
<li>✅ Use the SSH client already installed on your device</li>
<li>✅ Generates a random link that can be shared with anyone</li>
<li>✅ Compatible with any protocol</li>
<pre><code>ssh -R /:host:port</code></pre>
<pre><code>$ ssh -R /:localhost:8000
Welcome to collabore tunnel!
collabore tunnel is a free and open source service offered as part of the
club elec collabore platform ( operated by club elec that
allows you to expose your local services on the public Internet.
To learn more about collabore tunnel,
visit the documentation website:
club elec ( is a french not-for-profit
student organisation.
Your local service has been exposed to the public
Internet address:
TLS termination:
<section class="container">
<div class="footer-links">
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Terms of service
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<g transform="translate(-73.456965,-97.566925)">
<g transform="rotate(-45,334.18855,696.28139)">
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