&s=&l=&b= ** q (required) : Your text. The data you want to put in the QRCode. Keep out of url-encoding ! ** s (optionnal): An integer between 1 and 20. Defines the size of the “pixels” in the QRCode. Default: 4. ** l (optionnal): One of L, M, Q or H. Defines the error-correction level in the data. L is lowest (smaller image), H is highest (larger image). Default: M. ** b (optionnal): An integer between 1 and 20. Defines the white border width of the QRCode (may be given, but should be left empty). Default: 4. */ include "lib/qrlib.php"; $data = ( (!empty($_GET['q']) ) ? htmlspecialchars($_GET['q']) : 'http://lehollandaisvolant.net'); $size = ( (!empty($_GET['s']) and is_numeric($_GET['s']) ) ? htmlspecialchars($_GET['s']) : 4); $level = ( (!empty($_GET['l']) and in_array(strtoupper($_GET['l']), str_split('LMQH')) ) ? htmlspecialchars($_GET['l']) : 'M') ; $border = ( (!empty($_GET['b']) and is_numeric($_GET['b']) ) ? htmlspecialchars($_GET['b']) : 4) ; // QRcode::png((data), (img.png||false for direct img), (level), (pointsize), (marginsize)); QRcode::png($data, false, $level, $size, $border);